I'm a PhD candidate in the Yttri Lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. My research interests are centered on how the brain makes decisions and how those decisions can be executed via movement.
I have previously trained with Dr. Betsy Murray at the National Institute of Mental Health studying cortical and subcortical contributions to learning, value and decision making. I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience where I trained with Dr. Sandra Kuhlman (current faculty at University of Buffalo) studying functional plasticity in the visual cortex.
I am passionate about scientific education and outreach. Both in lab and in the classroom I try to get students to master the material by learning to solve the problem at hand. Since 2022, I have been the course instructor for Advanced Systems Neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon.
Outside of science I enjoy cooking, watching and playing soccer and playing with my dog Woody.